Becoming “codependent” is a normal reaction to living with chronic stress due to the destructive, narcissistic, neglectful or abusive behavior of a loved one. Whether it's rooted in childhood or developed in adulthood, its effects are pervasive and lead to self-sacrifice, shame, hyperviglence, emotional stuffing, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, being controlling or overly compliant and eventually, resentment.
- Do you find yourself drawn to take care of others people’s business?
- Do you put in more effort or take a greater share of the "responsibility" for an intimate relationship than your partner?
- Do you feel preoccupied with the needs or feelings of others?
- Do you feel safest when you are in a relationship with someone who relies heavily upon you?
- Do you place a low priority of your own needs/wants?
I encourage clients to attend CODA, ACOA or Al-Anon meetings along with therapy as this expedites and strengthens the healing/growing process.